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Monday, June 4, 2007

Writes Homepage

Information Writing

Writing of your information are made as possibly, solid, explains and draws. If(when you will publicize document of you in internet in the form of its(the original ( for example page which scanning, or document which you writes utilizes MS Word 60) can also kept in web server but better be changed formerly the your document file format with Adobe Acrobat, that document file of you its form permanent, but file size kept in web server far smaller. This will profit you because that way internet consumer would easily and quickly gets the document file from web your server to its(the computers.

Before writing blocks in the job(activity is beforehand. That need to be paid attention inter alias :

You must collect material which input you would into your homepage.

Studies the material, its(the ambit create at your job(activity paper, adds time estimate [for] to do it hows many hours.

For the ambit in a few group ( can be seen from its(the title subs if is exist). Every yard at activity paper is given [by] serial number. All this title subs can be written down in front yard.

Directory create in your PC Windows by name its(the works, for example you makes homepage SMU1, this name can be made name of directory tsb.

Photograph beforehand scan applies equipment of scanner, when you has not had this equipment, can have recourse rental computer providing service scanning. If(when picture amounts which will be loaded quite a lot, picture measure need to be paid attention by too big picture measure and too much picture amounts in your homepage will complicate internet consumer later when accessing sites you. Gives name ( or number) carefully following note of yard number homepage which you would equipped with picture.

Writes down you article at every yard and arranges its(the layout. Way of arranging layout HTML to see prepared Layout Homepage.

Makes HTML yard, quickly earns you to do step following : firstly browser open Netscape or Frontpage Express. Create one empty pages and keeps ( save) in the you directory, for example your directory are the that is SMU1. Tries this file open you with Internet Explorer or Nestcape Navigator, then chooses command View and click source or page source. You will see HTML code on page your the zero.

Second step, your Windows Explorer open, directory open SMU1, checked was the zero file have been on file. You after having sees, wishes off mouse cursor to the above of its(the file name and click. Does command copy of that this file copied some fruits. Number of files copied depends on requirement of you to write, if(when later when you writes simply less, lacking of this zero file can be overcome by the way of re-copying or recreates zero yard required. Changed file name result of the copy by the name of successive for example you gave name of hal01html, the next file of you are berry name of hal02html, hal03html and so.

Stepped is third was fill zero yard is having format the HTML with your information. Way of writing down it you can utilize Netscape Composer or Frontpage Express. But you also can fill with Notepad for writing of text or editing HTML yard quickly. Guidance writes information of you with writing of HTML code earns read you at handing out introducing HTML

Check Number Of Your access Sites

To know how much/many man who has accessed sites you, you can add counter in your homepage front yard

Response Access people

That you can receive input or response from access people your sites, you also need to add you address completely at your homepage, following its(the enamels

Registration Form

If wanted [by] access people sites you to register x'self, you can add form registration in your sites yard are yard it doesn't matter

Search Engine

If you wish to give amenity to access people your sites so that quicker reachs yard containing description matching with keyword typed by it, you can add search engine

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