Google Search


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Shortcut and anonymous folder

You are want has folder or shortcut at Windows 95/98/NT/2000/NE, but not seen its(the name ? Its way clicked right then Rename at folder or shortcut is wishing you are its(the change name. Then types [ Alt] + [ 0160] ( this is unseen space character). At writing of 0160 the, you must apply the numbers in key pad numeric ( keyboard starboard).

Writes down name in Taskbar

Want name of you written at Taskbar Windows ? You can do it ! Firstly, menu click Start/Settings/Control Panel. After residing in at Control Panel, double click icon Regional Settings. Moves to tab Time. At column AM phonetic symbol and PM phonetic symbol, types name of you, but maximum 8 character is including space.

Makes folder which hidden

You can make a folder which hidden, either in DOS prompt and also in Windows Explorer. Its way, moves to MS-DOS prompt, then typed mkdir followed with space. Compress and resistant of knob [ Alt], types 0255, then discharged [ Alt]. Typing of 0255 done by using key pad numeric.

Makes icon from . bmp

If You have been be fed up with icon-icon which you has you can try other icon that is from file . bmp. Its way, changes file . bmp becomes . ico ( for example bmp becomes ico. Other way : for example you wish to change icon from a shortcut. Firstly right click at shortcut and select; chooses Properties. Move at tab Shortcut and select; chooses Change Icon. Then browse to folder save file . your bmp.

Quickens connection, doesn't present image

If You is more making account only contents of article than its(the picture appearance, it is better you are auto disable of load image so that your browser doesn't present image. Without presenting image connection your internet a few more vigours. Its way for Netscape Navigator, select;chooses Edit, then Preferences. Moves to category Advanced. Eliminates sign check at part of Automatically load images.

For IE 5x, from menu Tools select;chooses Internet Options. Moves to tab Advanced. Searching part of Multimedia. Then eliminated sign check at Show picture. Also at Play animations, Play sounds, and Play videos.

Sends enamel swiftly

1. File create emailbat in c:\windows with notepad.

2. Types START " mailto:%1".

To send enamel enough starting button clicks - Run. Types sending followed with enamel address which will be gone to.
For example, sends dewi@mailcom, compress enter.

save web page completely

When You explores possible internet of you finds sites which wishful and is interesting its(the save to. How ? Easy to only. Applies Internet Explorer version 5x. With IE 5x you save web page can completely is including image, animation, javascript and the css file. So You can read it offlinely without lessening beauty [of] its(the appearance.

term dictionary


Degradation of signal energy?power during delivery of data/informasi takes place level of measured in set of decibel ( db).


Usually is recognized as Java Applet, be a computer program which has been compilation to become byte code that is a situation of program which can be executed direct. This program will be executed by Java Virtual Machine, which able to in the form of Web Browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.


ASCII or American Standard Code for Information Interchange is encoding standard of character becoming international encoding standard for every computer in world.


Be modeling motherboard and power supply newest PC . Power supply ATX has output 33, 5 and 12 volts. One of other ATX characteristic is at the time of doing shutdown Windows, computer automatically died ( not necessarily kill power computer again).

Free Internet ?

Perhaps hard in believing - thing hi-tech like Internet can be given free;useless. But if brooding us and pays attention to around we actually there is many things which we can obtain freely. Pays attention to private sector broadcast television, broadcast radio, some professional magazines also is allotted free, sometime fence, sometime hand phone, sometime newspaper, flyer from various supermarkets a lot of media is earning we to obtain freely.

Free internet also not thing impossible. Tries paying attention - now there are many e-mail accesses bases on Web given freely, example that is often is applied like hotmailcom, yahoocom, usanet, qslnet and still many again men who is giving free e-mail service. Web nor fails exclaiming it there is many places is putting down free web - like geocitiescom.

Well possible we in Indonesia used to e-mail and free Web, how with ISP or access to Internet - now all having to pays [for] to ISP or applies instant telkomnet. Is it possible that access to ISP thus free? If in world now - in English there [are] free Internet access, FreeNet in United States had given access Internet freely since year 80-an, in Singapore also seems to have been formed ISP which able to give free access.

We argument might possibly it is developed countries. In Indonesia if we paid attention to there is something also which we able to obtain is free from access Internet. Example of reality in Indonesia - now place Internet giving free soft-drink to the visitor … goodly initial of this. Mean non impossible of Internet increasingly day increasingly cheap.

What all these can happened? Internet from the information side doesn't differ in too far with media business actually - is that television media, radio media, newspaper / newspaper. RCTI, ANTV, SCTV, INDOSIAR, COMPASS, Republican, Raze FM, OZ FM of all medias most of its(the life from advertisement & not from cost taking its(the reader / hearer / beholder. More and more the hearer / reader from certain faction - hence increasingly possible to obtain advertisement which in pointing at faction of the certain reader / beholder.

The same thing happened in Internet also seemingly, more and more people gathers somewhere virtual in Internet increasingly expensive the place as advertisement place. Pays attention to hotmailcom, yahoocom - practical of all places which many in visiting people to become place at most in pasangi advertisements. We speak here in order juta-an man who is accessing hotmailcom / yahoocom. What with Indonesia seems to now enjoying inclusion of advertisement in gross not many - minimum of kompascom & each detikcom ranged from one hundred million / finite month tens of million / month - all of advertisement - yeah fair to middling return capital.

So its(the strategy is how to collecting as many as possible people, good we soybean cake can how profile man is gathering that - so mass gathering this its(the business can yield money or can also in pointing at other importance ( can be economic and also politics) for media collecting the mass. Remains clever of medias collecting the mass to sell the mass to founder which will be profited by gathering of the mass.

Hereinafter »

Gives active record colour at TDBGrid

Greeting recognizes just direct of my plan makes dictionary with Delphi. But I am there are problem that is word searched by has been got but I word wish to found by the color difference. How to making DBGrid with color record which different is active not merely small arrow sign is beside [by] DBGrid? help yeah, thank you before all.


You can read the tips is here.

The application of database multi user [ Julianto ES ]

I am new learnt Delphi, and I interest to make the application of database by using Delphi, either that is multi-user and also client/server. At project of my program now I plan applies Delphi. Does you know, where I can get example of database application program by using Delphi, good of that is the application of database multi-user and also client/server. For attention and its(the help I say many thanks. Greeting, Julianto.


You can read looks for it in :

Besides You can look for by using various search engine. If You are careful in looking for it is of course you will get example of the application of database in number a real many.

So, you also wish to make Web Page?

Lesson 1

You has opened Notepad? Starts by writing down this....

Each above line called as tag ( again we use its(the original term). There is tag introduction and there are tag cover? conclusion. To write down tag cover? conclusion enough adds / in front of tag introduction. Mostly, but not all, tag has tag cover? conclusion. Let's say this tag as mode we talk with browser, or more precise gives command. Which is just you tells at browser is " this is beginning of document of HTML" (< HTML>) and " this is document end of HTML" (< /HTML>). Now we are the need of filling it with something.

Every HTML file requires couple tag HEAD.

The only which we must thought of about contents of tag HEAD ( for the existing) be TITLE.

And contents of in fact from the file we would place among tag BODY.

Oh, and one things again, entitles at you file.

Now keeps the file, not as text file (. txt), but as file html. Keeps by the name of hal1asp in a new folder. If you confused how doing it, this you must do.... In window Notepad click File then Save As.

You will face dialogue box. New folder create with depressing this ->

Berry name of any kind. Then click twice to open it. In box File name: writes down hal1asp in box Save ace type: ensures that this file type is All Files (*.*)

Then knob compress Enter!

Safe! You are having proud proper because from now on you are including one of a few mans capable to make web page! You can place it in one of internet server and whole world can see creasy the you!

You earns clicking twice the file and sees result of you masterpiece.

Your duty are the next later are filling the yard with a few thing.

The best way to follow this tutorial is open Notepad and two window Netscape. Window Netscape which firstly contains this tutorial and the other one presents web page which you are create. You can go about with clicking one of the three. If you was reading this tutorial in Netscape, you can open second window with one of two way of ini1) Click twice at file hal1asp which is just you are create. Or 2) In Netscape, clicked File/Open File In Browser and the file searching ( hal1asp).

Two important things I need to tell before we to change over to Lesson 2. Firstly, what which you have made be typical of document of HTML. This is information of minimum required by document web, and all document web must contain this base components. And second, document title is what visible in topmost part is your browser.

Writes with HTML file format


Html abbreviation from hypertext markup language, be writing program of information a homepage. This article is antecedent of way of writing with HTML language. Many people still writing down HTML language to utilize auxiliaries like NotePad which there is in Windows or Simple Text Macintosh. This guidance will help you to write HTML at ease. Even if you tend to doing no expurgation of HTML directly and will utilize Editor HTML like Netscape Composer or Amaya from W3C or Frontpage Express from Microsoft, this guidance would increasingly helps you in writing HTML with the programs and enables document of HTML made in you can be accessed by various browser program types. After you studies HTML writing bases, you will require Lesson how adding touch style to utilize CSS, and writing of continuation HTML.

Suggestion : it is a good way by studying how others has written down its(the codes in each yard html. To do this, menu click " View" and click " Source". Tries doing this step at the time of you are opening yard html document of others who you are download or copy of from internet. With this step hence you will see x'self in your computer monitor [screen/sail] various codes written down on page html.

In breakdown of following explained about :

writes title on page homepage
adds title subs and its(the paragraph
adds emphasis at you article
adds picture ( images)
adds link ( sign correlates) with other yard
utilizes is assorted enlisted ( list)
Writes title on page homepage

Every document of HTML a homepage need to be entitled. Following is appearance at the time of you does writing command of title or title :

Changes text " My first HTML document" with your article title. Writing of title usually is started with sign tag "title" Article title better be written down in the early of document of you.

Adds title subs and its(the paragraph

If you have is ordinary utilizes Microsoft Word, you have been ordinary also with codification models of title sub ( heading) with its(the importance level. In HTML language there are six level of title sub ( heading). H1 is title sub most importantly, H2 is title sub which less important, so further until H6, fewest of its(the importance..

Makes " Search Engine" Modestly

Search engine is information searcher peripheral in Internet. Every specified period as according to arrangement of its(the admin), search engine access sites-sites which have been registered by admin in its(the sites database. In small scale, supply of search engine hardly assists the access internet, looks for important pages in your sites. Application which will be elaborated here, doesn't require special cleverness but exploiting peripheral Java applet which there [are] in every PC windows 95 or Windows 98 and its(the Internet Explorer or its(the Netscape to present pages sites you according to internet consumer choice.

Parts of a search engine inter alias simple :

a database having format *. txt.

A Interpreter java, you can apply to us, free of charge.

Keeps this file as file txt for example called dbasetxt.

Create a file so called Searchhtml with Netscape Composer and or Frontpage Express. If(when you has not recognized way of making HTML yard, follows our suggestion. After coming up in appearance you monitor [screen/sail] Netscape composer and or Frontpage Express, soon keeps ( save) the zero yard and called Searchhtml. Hereinafter cover Netscape and also Frontpage Express, and reopens file Searchhtml with Notepad. Notepad always [is] on every Windows 95 or Windows 98. After opened with Notepad, writes down codes following on page the zero :

Writes down HTML codes under this on page the zero utilizes Notepad. After completed select;chooses command File --> save --> ok. Doesn't be kept as file *. txt.
Then directory create Search in web your server.

Keeps file searchjar, and file outtxt and Searchhtml at directory " search".

To assist access sites you, can be every yard homepage you are written down [by] a link to file Searchhtml that access can be helped in looking for the information in sites you.

Every yard Search html comes up in computer monitor [screen/sail] access your sites, hence the applet java’s in its(the computer will present window following :

Access your sites ready to write down keyword which s(he is searching at small column upside, while in underside column will come up having immeasurable yard sites you comprising the keyword. After completed typing of keyword in small column, click with mouse icon writes down " display". Hence at second column below(under soon comes up yard titles relating to the word at column one. Every word at undercarriage column if clicked with mouse soon presents its(the HTML yard.

Safe tries.


GloriaNet: Has homepage ( sites) personal in world cyber very pleases. More than anything else if(when often visited by others or consanguinity liking surfing to internet, beyond question they our masterpiece rate of return will shown in cyber world.

Many ways which able to be applied to make a homepage, writes Joko Sutrisno in new, both for the personal need and also for other others or institution. Following is processing in general is done profession people who in area web design in making web site.

Firstly, the problem of sketch web. Idea a design web site might possibly be depicted beforehand sketch initially at as of paper sheet. Usually this initial step overcome and design direct layout a web site by using software maker web site.

Second, layout design web. After sketch thus, you can apply software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand to extend design sketch to form of its(the original.

Third, cutting of picture becomes little. After layout all right, file drew the can be cut to become little part utilized optimize download time. To do the thing, can be applied Adobe ImageReady which there [are] at Adobe Photoshop.

this Software earned direct cuts the big picture and automatically also makes it into format html. This step can be done if(when its(the file size becomes bigger.

Fourth, animation design. Animation needed to animates and beautifies homepage which we are create that more draws for netter is paying a visit. Macromedia Flash, Corel Rave, and usable Gif Construction Set to make animation which we wish.

Fifth, making of tag HTML. Design homepage which we are create by relying on help software which is available is not guaranteed nattier. To neaten it, can by editing script HTML, places some knobs and picture, adds text, and makes layout form into HTML format. That thing requires software editor HTML like Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage, Allaire Home site, and Adobe GoLive.

Sixth, programming and script. For web site using database, needs script HTML that by programming modified to yield what wanted. Programming and this script can be made by using ASP, Borland Delphi, CGI, PHP, and Visual Basic. Need to be paid attention that programming and this script usually is done after homepage design thus.

Seventh, HTML upload. After homepage made completed, there will be HTML file containing picture and text and script in it. The files needs upload to a place ( web hosting) that all people in world can access our html yard.

Macromedia Dream weaver with facility FTP and Microsoft Frontpage with its(the Publish has provided this upload facility. Or earns also applies software like WS-FTP, Cute FTP, and Bullet FTP.

Special for personal homepage or which merely wish to dabbl, usually after file html thus earns hosting at free servers, uses guestbook and free counter, and adds kinds of accessories in beautifying homepage the person.

personal Homepage clearly differs from sites made for purpose of business. Even so there are commercial element, usually only was program advertisements MLM or its co specific. For certain that every personal homepage has guestbook.

" Homepage" Personal

For " homepager" person, Joko Sutrisno which is instructor in STMIK Budi Luhur Jakarta, gives note some things that need to be paid attention by an owner of homepage person.

Firstly, always update contents of your homepage with newest newss from you that the netter doesn't see its contents that only.

Second, creates space which interactive, creative, and communicative. For example there are facility free which you link able to from web other site.

Third, precautions installs your person photographs because might possibly be applied by others for which is not you knows or you might possibly will receive delight e-mail as result of installation of the photographs.

Fourth, don't worry to reciprocate all entering e-mails or all the comment in guestbook so that you obtains other benefit, that is adding interaction and knowledge, especially in world cyber.

Fifth, show and placed resume or achievement in homepage person to get work. Better present just important as according to abilities, achievement, and best masterpieces of you.

Sixth, looks after secrecy of other netter e-mail address entering if(when doesn't wish any people to send e-mail to you. Can be possible the place doesn't off hand or disguised.

Seventh, if there are netter visiting your homepage and asks you to visit its(the homepage, does and comment berry about its(the homepage so that your reputation increasingly good.

Eight, promoted personal homepage passed search the engine if your homepage wish to be known many people. Place of free web of which you able to exploited otherwise wish to buy domain and rents web hosting is wwwgeocities,com,,,, and others. Safe tries and having masterpiece. ( GCM/*)

Easy Way Memorizes Sites ` Web`

TILL NOW many mans who is busy memorizes name of complicated and long domain. Besides there are also man who confusion because supply of name of domain in Internet matching with corporate name, trademark or name of your product has [used up/finished] registered by others. Doesn't worry, now RealNamescom launchs a new technology of addressing of a sites without having to prefix " http://" or " www" and without ending ". com", ". net" and ". org". The technique is recognized by the name of keyword. For operational in Indonesia, through sites, cooperates with DotComIndonesia.

According To Calvin Lukmantara, CEO DOTCOMINDONESIA, keyword technique is new breakthrough in technology name of domain. " With technique keyword or the keyword, a name of domain can be enough to be typed its(the name is only. So one would easier to remember and types name of the domain for towards to relevant sites searched," says Calvin. For a while technique keyword can run by exploiting product browser Microsoft, that is Internet Explorer. For example for towards to sites property of Coca-Cola, in browser enough to be typed ` Coca Cola` ( without quotation mark) only. Automatically, browser Internet Explorer, will open sites Other example if we type ` Barnes & Noble` ( without quotation mark), hence automatically sites which will be opened in browser we are sites

Excellence of this technique is name of domain can apply space and doesn't care letter big-small and catchy because adapted for corporate name, trademark or name of product. The keyword technique supports all name of domains generic Top Level Domain ( gTLD) like com/net/org and country code Top Level Domain ( ccTLD) like *. id, *. jp, *. sg etcetera. The keyword system applies based on every state registered. Mean if we wished our keyword only registered for in Indonesia only, hence only in Indonesia just the our recognizable keyword and will not apply in other state. " If(when keyword we wish to apply in the world, hence having to registered also for 244 states has adopted the keyword system," says Calvin.

Explained by Calvin, there is two eligible keyword types. Both types is elementary keyword and plus keyword. " Ideal over basing keyword for small and medium industry is wishing its(the company identity or product is recognized in Internet," explains Calvin. This base keyword, according to Calvin, when our sites is presented in browser will apply two frame. upper Frame contained information about itself keyword, while in frame under is contents of sites actually property of the registrant. Expense of this base keyword is Rp500 thousand per keyword per state per year. " While very ideal plus keyword type for middle company upward is wishing really protects trademark or service owned by it," adds Calvin. This plus keyword will not apply frame and direct to open sites property of registrant fully in browser.

Links this functioning plus keyword also to protect brand, hence every registration shall be evaluated beforehand about authenticity ownership of brand or corporate name which will be registered. Expense of this plus keyword is Rp2 million per keyword per state per year. While expense of evaluating it is Rp3 million for every plus keyword. " Expense of the evaluation is not returned," explicitly Calvin. It is of course, that can exploit this service someone should have has web site. ( Indonesia Media)