Google Search


Thursday, May 31, 2007


GloriaNet: Has homepage ( sites) personal in world cyber very pleases. More than anything else if(when often visited by others or consanguinity liking surfing to internet, beyond question they our masterpiece rate of return will shown in cyber world.

Many ways which able to be applied to make a homepage, writes Joko Sutrisno in new, both for the personal need and also for other others or institution. Following is processing in general is done profession people who in area web design in making web site.

Firstly, the problem of sketch web. Idea a design web site might possibly be depicted beforehand sketch initially at as of paper sheet. Usually this initial step overcome and design direct layout a web site by using software maker web site.

Second, layout design web. After sketch thus, you can apply software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand to extend design sketch to form of its(the original.

Third, cutting of picture becomes little. After layout all right, file drew the can be cut to become little part utilized optimize download time. To do the thing, can be applied Adobe ImageReady which there [are] at Adobe Photoshop.

this Software earned direct cuts the big picture and automatically also makes it into format html. This step can be done if(when its(the file size becomes bigger.

Fourth, animation design. Animation needed to animates and beautifies homepage which we are create that more draws for netter is paying a visit. Macromedia Flash, Corel Rave, and usable Gif Construction Set to make animation which we wish.

Fifth, making of tag HTML. Design homepage which we are create by relying on help software which is available is not guaranteed nattier. To neaten it, can by editing script HTML, places some knobs and picture, adds text, and makes layout form into HTML format. That thing requires software editor HTML like Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage, Allaire Home site, and Adobe GoLive.

Sixth, programming and script. For web site using database, needs script HTML that by programming modified to yield what wanted. Programming and this script can be made by using ASP, Borland Delphi, CGI, PHP, and Visual Basic. Need to be paid attention that programming and this script usually is done after homepage design thus.

Seventh, HTML upload. After homepage made completed, there will be HTML file containing picture and text and script in it. The files needs upload to a place ( web hosting) that all people in world can access our html yard.

Macromedia Dream weaver with facility FTP and Microsoft Frontpage with its(the Publish has provided this upload facility. Or earns also applies software like WS-FTP, Cute FTP, and Bullet FTP.

Special for personal homepage or which merely wish to dabbl, usually after file html thus earns hosting at free servers, uses guestbook and free counter, and adds kinds of accessories in beautifying homepage the person.

personal Homepage clearly differs from sites made for purpose of business. Even so there are commercial element, usually only was program advertisements MLM or its co specific. For certain that every personal homepage has guestbook.

" Homepage" Personal

For " homepager" person, Joko Sutrisno which is instructor in STMIK Budi Luhur Jakarta, gives note some things that need to be paid attention by an owner of homepage person.

Firstly, always update contents of your homepage with newest newss from you that the netter doesn't see its contents that only.

Second, creates space which interactive, creative, and communicative. For example there are facility free which you link able to from web other site.

Third, precautions installs your person photographs because might possibly be applied by others for which is not you knows or you might possibly will receive delight e-mail as result of installation of the photographs.

Fourth, don't worry to reciprocate all entering e-mails or all the comment in guestbook so that you obtains other benefit, that is adding interaction and knowledge, especially in world cyber.

Fifth, show and placed resume or achievement in homepage person to get work. Better present just important as according to abilities, achievement, and best masterpieces of you.

Sixth, looks after secrecy of other netter e-mail address entering if(when doesn't wish any people to send e-mail to you. Can be possible the place doesn't off hand or disguised.

Seventh, if there are netter visiting your homepage and asks you to visit its(the homepage, does and comment berry about its(the homepage so that your reputation increasingly good.

Eight, promoted personal homepage passed search the engine if your homepage wish to be known many people. Place of free web of which you able to exploited otherwise wish to buy domain and rents web hosting is wwwgeocities,com,,,, and others. Safe tries and having masterpiece. ( GCM/*)

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