Google Search


Monday, June 4, 2007

Open at the same time some windows

Doesn't let yourself bes awaiting too stripper for loading picture that is is not you requires. To streamline your website access can open at the same time some windows. But doesn't too much ( for a few computer can cause hang). Window open to be new, from menu File selected New then chooses Window. Or applies shortcut Ctrl + N.

Streamlines your download

You often download file/software from internet ? If(when yes hence is better if you applies software to assist for download like GoZilla. With Go!Zilla result of your download more well guaranteed and good of you your can do pause and resume.

Vanishs URL history

Doesn't wish there are others who is knowing sites any kind of just a few minutes you are open ? List delete sites is laying in location your browser bar. If(When You uses Netscape, from menu Edit chooses Preference. Moves to Category Navigator. To vanish list sites, click button dg article Clear Location Bar.

For Internet Explorer 4x, menu click View, chooses Internet Options. At tab General, click at button Clear History.

For Internet Explorer 5x, menu click Tools, select;chooses Internet Options. Hereinafter same dg IE 4x.
Vanish browser palladium cache

To be more safe his(its if(when you plays in warnet, you need to vanish browser cache.
For Navigator Netscape 406 :

1. chooses menu Edit - Preferences.
2. At part of Category chooses Advanced - Cache.
3. Click at Clear Memory Cache & Clear Disk Cache. ( Other version please look for menu palladium there is Preferences.)
For Internet Explorer 4 :
1. chooses menu View - Internet Options.
2. At tab General & part of Temporary Internet Files click Deletes Files. For other version please look for menu palladium there is Internet Options).

Free Internet

How to collect mass in Internet? There is many ways is collecting mass in Internet. Before that is we need to correct reading internet idiosyncrasy - a real differs from other mass media / electronic media - internet enables interaction which two directions and earns in customize as according to each one. Newspaper, TV, mass media in character more very difficult and one wayly in customize for each reader. So its(the art is how to we are exploits excess of Internet which in character interactive two directions and this customize to collect maximum mass.

Conventional step is make portal ( or its(the simple information center) like Yahoo so that people gathers. Other step is exploit ability " real-time" internet by the way of presenting news as soon as possible this thing done by press agency / newspaper like CNN, detikcom. But all still having the character of one way only could probably be added ability customize.

Imagines if in place of people got the news / portal is given [by] discussion facility that is in character interactive and [by] partitions for area / certain issues … about like talk-show in TV / radio but this in Internet. It is of course would more drew again because people who to interest area / the certain issue will gather every day there .. this thing will become opportunity of gold for information service feeder / this discussion forum to yield foreign exchange from sponsorship etc.

In the way of mass psychology exploiting maximum of advantage of internet that is in character " real-time" and " interactive" hence collectable mass easily causing can happened process cross subsidy that is in the end can profit all party(sides … especially the side of internet consumer which can obtain most of information required freely.

It is of course special for Indonesia, above formula applied if the internet consumer amounts enough big. Education & internet access for education will become one of key that is very determines from altogether.

So, you also wish to make Web Page?


I have explained that this tutorial addressed for newbies, the new comers in internet. If you are be including expert in this area, empirically as of warehouse ( or two), this article possibly drags on you. Perhaps you has way or choice x'self, but this is the following is my opinion.

First of all, you will discover that learning makes homepage ( more accurately if I tell web page) not difficult. Very simple even. ( Henceforth I will apply term web page, appearance which you saw in time browser to explore web, like the one your are reads now. This appearance usually is article alliance, picture, and can be equipped with voice, animation and others. I have not found its(the delicious and compatible Indonesian equivalent in ear.) Web page basically is a file, HTML file exactly. Called as that way because this file ends . htm or . asp. HTML is abbreviation from Hyper Text Mark-up Language.

Let us started. If the existing of you has special program to make HTML file, which was said can make web page in easy, forgets only. Worst way to learn is apply one of this programs. ( Despite of among others which able to a few assisting, the programs will be useful if you had studied its(the base. So not to be thought of formerly is the existing.) Then program what which best applied to learn HTML? Notepad. Small word processing program and the simple? The always there is if we are install Windows? Yes and yes. But you has big program, complex, and sophisticated capable to yield web enough page ethically and then click there click here. For the things one is believes at me. OK? OK.

Other program which you requires is browser to present web page which you yields. Dual homing that is most popular is Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Both having excess and insuffiency, but personally I prefer first ( therefore I write down in advance). Small things, possibly I start tiring of sees name and logo Microsoft everywhere. You may be just applies Internet Explorer, but forthright this article I am create and test with Netscape Navigator ( this browser equipped with editor). If you applies other browser ( [is] there any other?), I cannot comment. I have never applied it.

With both the programs in your computer, stood. I am sure that during less than five minutes again you will yield web page first you! Open is Notepad.... and we change over to Lesson 1.

So, you also wish to makeWeb Page?Lesson 9

This of we will study about contour line ( Horizontal Rule) which would often you applies.

There are some choice which we able to take....

This one I felt not necessarily be explained again.
We can determine its(the line measure....
Can also we make it becomes thick line.
Still considering which I to tell that browser do not know format; only presents text as formation of successive character? A kind of this for example....

By using tag < PRE> ( format), we earn to arrange so that appearance which emerge as according to what us write down.

Upholding law
Five Principles

Paying attention usage of monospaced font.


Last Tag [is] we to study [is] comment or note.
This non.
comment we can place anywhere in and document of browser will disregard all that is [in] in parenthesis. You can insert message, !-- Halo, which [is]!-- note to yourself [by] xself, !-- Don'T forget nelpon-- or write down worthwhile message to one who to open source ( Your HTML). !-- Don'T copy any from this page;yard
This non.

Note or comment we can place anywhere in and document of browser will disregard all that is [in] in parenthesis. You can insert message, note to yourself [by] xself, or write down worthwhile message to one who to open source ( Your HTML).

To be more clarify again, comment or note have to start with Even you [is] ( usually) can write down other html tag in it and altogether will be disregarded. Browser will disregard any find -->


Yeah.... that's all! Now you have known elementary tag-tag which you need to make page web. Still [is] there any other tag? O yes! Still many again. But be confidence that you have owned quite a lot equipments of base which you need. After you feel enough play with especial tag-tag, possible you wish to see some tutorial which a few/little is more complex: Making Tables, Making Form and Make Frame. This Tutorial will teach interesting several things needing you know to equip ability of you in publishing web. Out of it, only remaining a few/little tag again. Tag which theoretically have special function, but in practice its role [is] equal to [common/ public] tag-tag which presented here. There [is] tag which have seldom be used, and some again which [is] its usage very limited so that less need to be paid attention. Besides there [is] also some tags browser-specific ( functioning tag [at] one just browser).

Some times then emerge tendency to dissociate commands related to page structure ( paragraph, list, tables of etc.) and related to appearance ( color, etc font.). Its result, for example, [is] introducing of concept of style sheets. Though the understanding of about sheets style is not absolute matter to make page web, perhaps in a moment you have desire to studying [him/ it] as complement of ability of you.

So, you also wish to make Web Page? Lesson 8

So far have been quite a lot which we are debate. manipulation of Text and font, picture, and link. As base, not too much again which we must study.

I am taste now it's the moment we speak about resolution of [screen/sail]. [screen/sail] measure that is ordinary I apply to work is 800x600 pixels ( picture elements). Quite a lot using measure 640x480 and some choosing resolution 1024x768. I am sure be slimmer again using other measure. Does actually this resolution influence? This measure determines how yard which we are design comes up in our web site visitor [screen/sail]. Following is some example of appearances at various different resolutions.

640×480 800×600 1024×768

Would very useful if you can investigate web page you at some other resolutions. What a pity if after designing crucially you yard to come up cut. Especially when you does it at higher level resolution. Tries seeing creation you at possible and lower resolution of you will surprised. For consumer Windows95, there is program which is part of MS Power toy so-called Quickres. This program enables you changes resolution of [screen/sail] in easy.

Now we will study some text formats which you able to apply. First is < BLOCKQUOTE>. At most browser this means adding margin wide in left and text right. ( Its(the text impels into.)

We are Indonesian nation herewith express Indonesia independence. Things about power transfer and others will be carried out carefully and in the fewest tempo.

We are Indonesian nation herewith express Indonesia independence. Things about power transfer and others will be carried out carefully and in the fewest tempo.

a way of other format which would be plenty (of) useful is LIST ( list). There is two kinds of list, that is ORDERED lists ( successive list) and UNORDERED lists ( non successive list).

This is ordered list
This is unordered list
has just
First of all, we will make UNORDERED list.

Starts herewith....

Personality which I like

Personality which I like

Note - technically we have not started lists the. New this a kind of title.
Adds couple tag unordered list.
Personality which I like
Personality which I like
Adds the list.

Personality which I like
Personality which I like
person that is honest
Adds some things again....
Personality which I like
Personality which I like
person that is honest
friendly person
personal house
personal car
secretary of person
All right! You has made list!

How to make ordered list? Easy! Changes tag
Personality which I like
Personality which I like
person that is honest
friendly person
personal house
personal car
secretary of person
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of other list type is definition list.
Study Program

Unity of learning plan as guidance the management of education of academic and/or professional carried out on the basis of a curriculum addressed that student to get of best of knowledge, skill, and position matching with curriculum target.
We start herewith....

Then adds definition title....
Study Program
And the explanation.

learning plan as guidance the management of education of academic and/or professional carried out on the basis of a curriculum addressed that student to get of best of knowledge, skill, and position matching with curriculum target.

Study Program

Unity of learning plan as guidance the management of education of academic and/or professional carried out on the basis of a curriculum addressed that student to get of best of knowledge, skill, and position matching with curriculum target.
As my end touch will thicken definition its(the title. This thing is not compulsion, but I thought to be nicer if it is made that way.

KESATUAN learning plan as guidance the management of education of academic and/or professional carried out on the basis of a curriculum addressed that student to get of best of knowledge, skill, and position matching with curriculum target.

Study Program

Unity of learning plan as guidance the management of education of academic and/or professional carried out on the basis of a curriculum addressed that student to get of best of knowledge, skill, and position matching with curriculum target.

So, you also wish to makeWeb Page?Lesson 7

Before we continue, you soybean cake must about one things. If you uses picture in document of you, saw that the picture contains a lot of data and hence need quite a lot of time to present it. One ways to lessen picture measure ( measure which I am intention is Kb) be by minimizing its(the dimension. Lessens its(the length and half picture wide will yield fairish picture only its(the 1/4 natural sizes. You earns also lessens number of colors used. For example:

Dimension 310 x 304

number of color 238
Measure - 69 Kb
Dimension 207 x 203
number of color 238
Measure - 19 Kb

All expurgations of picture is done with Paint Shop Pro.

( Version before all which without available usage time constrain here. Although old version and not as sophisticated as

newest version, graphics this very editor good - suited for the beginners.)

Clear, bigger first picture, nicer and its(the quality is better, but imagining this.... if your document need a real time stripper to come up, your visitor very possibly will make a move yard and they will not see any.

Other choice of which can be applied if you to apply many pictures is by providing thumbnail ( small picture) contains link to picture larger ones. Take example I wish to present three car pictures from some my car collections ( I wish).

Clicks to present picture larger ones

First thing you that need to do is open image editor and makes small version from your picture, at the same time also will assist lessens number of colors. This thing of vital importance. I often sees someone to try makes thumbnail only by lessening its(the dimension at tag < IMG>. Herewith, what done actually is enter original picture to smaller place. Which you must do is make copy of the picture of the size smaller and applies it as link to picture larger ones.

Let us tries. I will use Corvette ( having color blue if you didn't know). Copy small and big picture to your folder. Again, its way is with right click & Save Image As at window Netscape. ( If you didn't apply Netscape, its way same approximately.)

Starts with tag < IMG>.

Then adds big picture URL and finish has!
If you will, you can eliminate blue line in around picture. Or you lets is just so that people to know that picture is a link. Up to you.

Asked: If I make link picture in Netscape, emerges small blue under line beside his(its. Also there are space among others, while which I wish the pictures is each other extension. I don't understand.... this thing is not happened in Explorer.

Reply: Netscape interprets carriage return ( Enter) among picture as space. IE no. That only. Line is having colour is blue smallness is under line link at space. Its(the solution was eliminate carriage return before or after the picture.

This is HTML code to draw above:

if we turned into like this the blue under line will lose:

Adjustment a few more and its(the space will lose also:
Bewilders? Only if you didn't understand what is going and how improve;repairing it. Is Browser netscape that is unsatisfying reliable? Not, only differs in from IE. Browser sometime gives result to differ in the same HTML code.

Other way applies link is not even makes reference to a yard, but to certain part of the yard. Click here to present again part where we first time speaks about URL. I will try explaining way of making it.

First of all determines location of link. Select;chooses one words and adds couple tag < A>.

< A> its(the URL and finished has!

Then name berry ( NAME)UNTUK the place.

Which is just you did was mark the place. Now the place can be made purpose of link.

Starts writes down link.

Adds file taken as purpose....

Click to present again part...

And last, added anchor NAME making reference to the certain part....
So! Not as difficult which you imagines, not??

So, you also wish to makeWeb Page?Lesson 6

Let us gets wise to link.

This thing actually simple very. We will make link to Yahoo.

Starts here with....

Sees Yahoo!

Sees Yahoo!
Then adds a couple of anchor tag.
Sees Yahoo!

Adds the URL and finished has! URL is abbreviation from Universal Resource Locator. This is sophisticated term created by computer people. They of course has tendency for many doing things like this. URL actually is simply address only.

Sees < A HREF="">
Sees Yahoo!
Let us tries another.
Sees PTS Online!
Sees PTS Online!
Sees PTS Online!
Link for enamel is made in the same way. Only we applied enamel address instead of address web page.
Sent me a Mail!

Question: What I can eliminate under line at link?

Reply: Technically this thing cannot be done with HTML. But workable this with Style Sheets. If you wrote down this is the following among tag HEAD at your document, every browsers recognizing Style Sheets will present link without under line....

We can use picture as link if will. Applies example ' Sees PTS ONLINE!' above we enough changing article PTS Online! with tag < IMG>.


Question: What eliminating blue line in around the picture?
Reply: Easy.... adds BORDER=0 at tag IMG. ( Sees in under.)
Question: What making link is opened in window new browser?
Reply: First of all, this thing can be done by you visitor if s(he will. Which he must did only right click at link and chooses " Open In New Window".
If you wish to force this thing for an certain intention, you can add TARGET="_blank" at link....

There are some thing again about target which you able to saw tutorial how to making Frame.

One things again about link.... You can make link to web site property of others without permission. This thing is valid and very acceptable. this Link causes Web to become World wide web.

Now after you studies way of making link, I wish you to know one things. I very sulking at the time of doing seeking of information and which I earn only tens of LINK to other sites. I tried follows some the link and I find MORE LINK again to other sites, also contains LINK.... without there is content that is actually!

If you makes web page, please add link-link which according to you of course is required, but avoids makes web page which only contain link and link to other sites containing more link again!