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Monday, June 4, 2007

So, you also wish to makeWeb Page?Lesson 6

Let us gets wise to link.

This thing actually simple very. We will make link to Yahoo.

Starts here with....

Sees Yahoo!

Sees Yahoo!
Then adds a couple of anchor tag.
Sees Yahoo!

Adds the URL and finished has! URL is abbreviation from Universal Resource Locator. This is sophisticated term created by computer people. They of course has tendency for many doing things like this. URL actually is simply address only.

Sees < A HREF="">
Sees Yahoo!
Let us tries another.
Sees PTS Online!
Sees PTS Online!
Sees PTS Online!
Link for enamel is made in the same way. Only we applied enamel address instead of address web page.
Sent me a Mail!

Question: What I can eliminate under line at link?

Reply: Technically this thing cannot be done with HTML. But workable this with Style Sheets. If you wrote down this is the following among tag HEAD at your document, every browsers recognizing Style Sheets will present link without under line....

We can use picture as link if will. Applies example ' Sees PTS ONLINE!' above we enough changing article PTS Online! with tag < IMG>.


Question: What eliminating blue line in around the picture?
Reply: Easy.... adds BORDER=0 at tag IMG. ( Sees in under.)
Question: What making link is opened in window new browser?
Reply: First of all, this thing can be done by you visitor if s(he will. Which he must did only right click at link and chooses " Open In New Window".
If you wish to force this thing for an certain intention, you can add TARGET="_blank" at link....

There are some thing again about target which you able to saw tutorial how to making Frame.

One things again about link.... You can make link to web site property of others without permission. This thing is valid and very acceptable. this Link causes Web to become World wide web.

Now after you studies way of making link, I wish you to know one things. I very sulking at the time of doing seeking of information and which I earn only tens of LINK to other sites. I tried follows some the link and I find MORE LINK again to other sites, also contains LINK.... without there is content that is actually!

If you makes web page, please add link-link which according to you of course is required, but avoids makes web page which only contain link and link to other sites containing more link again!

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